Corbin Police Investigating String Of Break-Ins

WYMT is reporting the Corbin Police Department is investigating a string of break-ins targeting unlocked cars, outbuildings, and storage areas in several neighborhoods. The incidents are believed to involve a […]

Laurel County Police Investigating Shooting Incident

Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff’s Detective Taylor McDaniel is investigating a reported shooting that occurred off Hooppole Creek Road approximately 12 miles east of London […]

Laurel County Sheriff Issues Winter Safety Tips

Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that sub zero temperatures are predicted Wednesday into Thursday and light snow is possible Friday into Saturday. Sheriff Root offers the following safety […]

Another Shooting In Laurel County

Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff’s Detective Tommy Houston is investigating a reported shooting which occurred off Wren Road , approximately 4 miles south of London […]