Laurel County Sheriff Issues Christmas Shopping Safety Tips

Laurel County Sheriff John Root says the Christmas holiday season is a time when busy people can become careless and vulnerable to theft and scams. Sheriff Root has issued these Christmas Shopping Safety Tips…

• Shop during daylight hours whenever possible. If you must shop at night, go with a friend or family member.
• Dress casually and comfortably.
• Avoid wearing expensive jewelry.
• Do not carry a purse or wallet, if possible.
• Always carry your driver’s license or identification along with necessary cash, checks and/or a credit card you expect to use.
• Even though you are rushed and thinking about a thousand things, stay alert to your surroundings.
• Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
• Pay for purchases with a check or credit card when possible.
• Keep cash in your front pocket.
• Notify the credit card issuer immediately if your credit card is lost, stolen or misused.
• Keep a record of all of your credit card numbers in a safe place at home.
• Be extra careful if you do carry a wallet or purse. They are the prime targets of criminals in crowded shopping areas, transportation terminals, bus stops, on buses and other rapid transit.
• Avoid overloading yourself with packages. It is important to have clear visibility and freedom of motion to avoid mishaps.
• Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason. At this time of year, con-artists may try various methods of distracting you with the intention of taking your money or belongings.
• Put packages or items you buy in your vehicle’s trunk or out of sight inside your vehicle.
• Lock your vehicle when you park.
• Look inside your vehicle before you enter it to make sure no one is waiting inside for you.

Sheriff Root hopes everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!