Senate President Robert Stivers to Receive KASA 2024 Friend of Education Award

State Senate President Robert Stivers will be honored with the prestigious KASA 2024 Friend of Education Award at the KASA Annual Leadership Institute in Louisville on July 26. The KASA Friend of Education Award is periodically bestowed upon individuals who have shown exceptional dedication and effort in advancing public education in Kentucky. President Stivers has actively participated in programs such as Principal for a Day and engaged in candid discussions about the future of public schools and the necessity to sustain the education profession. President Stivers said one of the most important offices, for which we sometimes have difficulty finding candidates, is the office of school board member. KASA officials say they look forward to continuing their collaboration with President Stivers and his leadership team on education funding issues that address the need to attract and retain quality educators in our public schools.