KSP and CVE Participating in Operation Safe Driver Week

Kentucky State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement is participating in Operation Safe Driver Week now through Saturday, July 13th. This year’s Operation Safe Driver Week focuses on reckless, careless, or dangerous driving. Officers will look for both commercial and passenger vehicle drivers engaging in risky driving. Police advise drivers to:

  • Slow Down – Speeding kills, on average, more than 25 Americans per day. It is the leading factor for commercial and passenger vehicle crashes. (CVSA)
  • Stop on Red, Nobody Dead – 85 percent of drivers view running a red light as very dangerous, but 1 in 3 admitted to doing so in the past. (AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety)
  • Put Cell Phone Away – A cell phone is involved in 12 percent of deadly distracted driving accidents. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
  • Buckle Up – Seat belts save thousands of lives each year. It is a law in Kentucky to wear a seatbelt. (CVSA)

Officers say if you see a dangerous driver, contact your local KSP Post or law enforcement agency.